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Data Quality

Data quality checks and validation are core principles in dcupl. As a developer, you're often working with external data sources — APIs, services, or customer inputs — and need to ensure your application functions correctly even when these sources change. dcupl helps maintain data integrity by integrating quality checks directly into model definitions.


You can check every (potential) error in the Quality Analyzer Tab in the dcupl Console.


First of all - quality checks are optional. You can toggle this feature globally for your application, enable/disable checks for specific models and inherit logic down to the attribute level.

const dcupl = new Dcupl({
quality: {
enabled: true, // true | false
"key": "myModel",
"quality": {
"enabled": true // true | false

Model-Level Quality Checks

In dcupl, models are defined in JSON. Quality checks can be applied at the model level to ensure overall data integrity. For example:

"key": "myModel",
"quality": {
"attributes": {
"required": true,
"nullable": false,
"forceStrictDataType": false,
"validatorHandling": "loose" // "strict" | "loose"
"properties": []
requiredtruethe attribute value is requred or can be undefined
nullablefalseallows the attribute value to be null
forceStrictDataTypefalsechecks if strings, booleans, integers, floats, ... are transmitted correctly since for example a string "1" may be casted to valid integer 1
validatorHandlingloosedefines what should happen with the data entry if the validation fails. "strict": don't apply the data to the model. "loose": register the error but still apply the data

Attribute Level Quality Checks

dcupl comes with predefined validators for common use cases, allowing you to quickly implement data quality checks without writing custom logic. These validators cover typical scenarios like checking for non-empty fields, enforcing specific formats (e.g., email addresses), and validating numerical ranges. By embedding these checks directly in your model definitions, dcupl helps ensure your application consistently processes reliable and accurate data.

"properties": [
"key": "email",
"type": "string",
"quality": {
"validators": {
"email": {}
"key": "price_int",
"type": "int",
"quality": {
// "nullable": true,
// "required": true,
// "forceStrictDataType": true,
// "validatorHandling": "strict", // "strict" | "loose"
"validators": {
"min": {
"value": 20
"max": {
"value": 100
"key": "weight",
"type": "string",
"quality": {
"validators": {
"pattern": {
"value": "^\\d+(\\.\\d+)?\\s+lbs$" // matches 1.1 lbs
custom{key: 'my-validator', value: any}
patternRegex Pattern as string (remember to escape your backslashes)