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Technical Limits


The dcupl SDK is able to handle fetching, filtering and searching millions of datasets in your browser and node server environments. We are constantly optimizing performance and memory management to push the borders of what's possible with the SDK. However please consider that runtime performance is heavily depending on the target machine (clients) your application is running on. Handling millions of datasets may be no problem on new machines, but your application may also run on an old smartphone. But that's no dcupl specific limitation, that's just daily business 😎

You can easily set up a free dcupl application, upload some real size test data to our systems and start testing in minutes to see how your data fits in your application's needs.

Console & Console API​

We enforce consumption based limits in order to ensure uninterrupted functionality of the shared-service infrastructure. If you do not agree with the technical limits outlined below, do not use any of dcupl Services and software development tools.

Projects20 per user & 20 per organization
Sources20 per project
AppPresets50 per project
Environments50 per project
Resource uploads - Models100 per project
Resource uploads - Data files100 per project
Resource upload - max filesize300 MB per upload

* For some of our plans additional consumption based
limits apply Read more

** Enterprise plans may grant higher limits

Caught a mistake or want to suggest missing topics to our documentation? Leave us a message..

Last updated October 15, 2022